Saturday, 24 September 2011

Loving What You Do

Time for a little slow down, the last few posts have been loaded with technical jargon and I don't want to alienate anyone who has been reading my blog and isn't interested in all the technical reasons behind different ideas. I want to talk about something really basic. Loving what you do. This is the most important rule in life. I am constantly talking to friends that are at the same place in life as I am (Trying to figure out what career to pursue) and they say something along the lines of "I don't really like it but it pays well".

If it was okay to paddle people I might. I understand that you have to make a living but why pursue something you don't enjoy. If you work to 50% of your capabilities I would be surprised. You should never regret going to work or practice or school or whatever it is you have committed your time to. This idea came to me after a lecture I had to do on Wednesday. The assignment called for a 15 - 25 minute lecture on a fitness concept. My topic was about putting your body in an optimal position to build muscle. I had talked to the teacher ahead of time and asked if it was alright if I went a bit longer. She told me if I could stretch it into an hour she would let everyone go for the second half of class. I was a bit worried that I couldn't do that but I said I would try; I lectured for 80 minutes.

I loved everything I was talking about and as a result it was easy. I believed in what I was saying and feel it is important to everyone's lives. I heard a great quote a short while ago about knowing when you are in the right place and it went something like this (paraphrased) "You are where you are supposed to be if the pay checks stopped tomorrow and you would still show up". The message is simple, work for something you are passionate about and don't settle. Don't quit on what you are chasing. Chances are someone else is after the same thing and they are waiting for you to quit. You will never force them to compete and win the race if you take yourself out and sit on the sidelines.

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