August is officially on us and the overused "where has summer gone" is on everyone's lips already. Although I do not have the actually statistics I would guess that this is one of the low times for gym attendance. Most programs get downsized or dropped in the summer months. In an effort to staunch the flow I am throwing out a challenge. Do one thing well this month that you typically struggle with. If you don't warm up regularly start. If you usually skip your conditioning session, make a conscious effort to be there and dominate it. If you have horrible ankle mobility (this guy) work on it everyday. Pick one thing, only one, and do it all August.
There is a secret to getting really good at something. Ready for it? Do it when it is the absolute last thing in the world that you want to be doing right now. When you have a dozen real and false excuses for skipping it. This month do it. No excuses. Just find a way to fit it in and do it. If you can force yourself to do something during a time when you don't want to, imagine what is possible when we feel like doing it.
Also HUGE shout out to Ted Fryia on his weekend, he is excused from this challenge he gets to be awesome for the month of August.
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